Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Favorite Designers

Karen Walker
Her collections are high casual with one foot in tailoring and the other in street wear. She mixes masculine and feminine, tailored and street, luxury and non luxury, dark and overall just super-cute.

 U.K.‘s Independent newspaper saidthe kind of look that provides a means of appearing cool but not trying-too-hard, cute but not saccharine, alter native but not self consciously so. The fact that these clothes appear to be so totally not ‘fashion’ is what makes them so now”.

Christian Siriano
The young project runway winner is a favorite of mine with his witty attitude and genius designs. With his second time on the runway Christian has had an eye for fashion but my personal favorite are his shoes. At 24 he shows very mature work and a bright future.

Oprah Winfrey calls his designs "works of art."

Tim Gunn calls him "a prodigy" and "the next great American fashion designer.